HamSphere 5.0 Shop


Customer Testimonials

  • Date added: 05/29/2014
    Testimonial by: G0AMO Mike of Andover UK

    S meter with LEDS

    The S meter with LEDS has been invaluable as an means of allowing easy setting up of my datamodes software. The simple LED system allows me to adjust my audio levels very effectively and I can see if I am overdriving at a glance. Datamodes are critical to be set at appropriate levels and the LED system has made this task very straight forward to use. I would recommend this without reservation.
  • Date added: 01/17/2016
    Testimonial by: 26HS7685 Ian of Johannesburg

    Set Up - Temporary Station in South Africa

    Being a reborn Hamsphere 3 user and being on vacation in South Africa. I decided to download Ver 4 of Hamsphere software, several plug in's later I was all set to try my skills out. After several hours I finally made 4 QSO's into Europe on the 20M Band from Johannesburg. Using an 8 Element Quad beam and transmitting at 100W. Made my Vacation something special and to those members contacted I hope the South Africa QSL Cards are something to treasure. There are not a lot of Users in S.A and to those who are Keep trying. get the ionosphere plug in, It really helps to see what band to transmit on. To the rest of the users around the world point your beam to Africa sometime. Lastly to Geert 13HS575, Thank you so much for changing my QTH to Johannesburg. It is well appreciated.
  • Date added: 05/28/2014
    Testimonial by: Alfonso of Venezuela

    Excellent QSO with Fan Diople

    Excellent test for QSO with ON7VP, Patrick.Today Saturday at 15:06 UTC on 18.150 kHz. Although the expectation propagation, according to the VOACAP, announcing fair, the following results were achieved: With GP antenna 17 mt R4 S3 - With 2 Fan Dipole Yagi (Bearing 040 º) R5 S4. There was no real difference between this antenna and the last 5 and 8 elements Yagi. Thanks Patrick for letting me do this test you. 73
  • Date added: 09/04/2016
    Testimonial by: LU1XIU pablo of rio gallegos


    muy buena
  • Date added: 08/22/2014
    Testimonial by: F0DUW Frank of Paris france

    6 elements Quad on 20 meters

    I have buy this Quad 6 elements antenna for 20 meters band and i realy like to make DX on 14 Mhz with this aérial. I make few QSO with bassu in India and his signal was 9+60 DB ( basu have also same antenna ! ) I dont work in long pass. I must try to do it. I know it is also possible to make DX with IDC vertical but this quad make DX more easy. 73 from FØDUW Frank QTH: Paris France
  • Date added: 09/26/2015
    Testimonial by: YB0BP JUNUS of Jakarta, Indonesia

    More Function in Plugins

    Hamsphere 4.0 is really a fun realistic HF Radio. I found more functions for Plugins where those functions not just work as as their functions but also part of decoration for my radio. eg. Big Speaker, Image Viewer, Waterfall display, PTT Big, Custom Name Plate, etc.
  • Date added: 08/13/2015
    Testimonial by: 26HS9090 Chris

    Waterfall is a must have!!!

    This little tool has enabled me to see weak stations and have 3/3 qso's that i whould have missed with the standard scope...a must have!!!
  • Date added: 05/28/2014
    Testimonial by: Tom of Luxembourg

    Testing on 21.355 KHz

    Interesting testing today on 21.355 KHz with the brand new antennas! Participants were 4S7DA, Denver from Sri Lanka, 26HS2241, Andy from London, UK, KS1K from EGY, just listening and 54HS105, Tom from Luxembourg. We tested the 5 EL 6 Band Quad which delivered a 5/5 between 4S7DA and 26HS2241 as well as 54HS105, who had no copy on Andy due to the proximity. The 3 Band Dipole was tested by rotating it around to the different locations and it produced a mere 5/2 on all sides. Dave in EGY could copy everybody with similar signal strengths. The absolute shooting star of the day was the new 2 Ele Fan Dipole Yagi though - with signals 5/5 and more, it was superior than the Cardioid, the 3 Band rotating dipole and only the 8 Ele Yagi would produce stronger signals at my end. Very good addition, to be earmarked! Thanks for the nice testing! 73 Tom
  • Date added: 12/12/2015
    Testimonial by: 21HS1010 peter of sweden

    peter hellquist

  • Date added: 08/26/2014
    Testimonial by: N4JLR - Jay of Melbourne, FL. USA

    Cardioid Antennas

    I have a new respect for this type of antenna. If I could use it at my QTH for my HF radio system, I would use it there without question. The wide beamwidth of 210 deg. and elevation of up to 30 deg. allows you to point this antenna in a direction that can be heard in a much larger area than a yagi or quad beam. It allows you coverage of 105 deg. on each side of where it is pointed. Since it is made up of 2 co-phased 5/8th wavelength verticals it communicates well with other verticals as well as dipoles, yagis, and quads. It's 9.9 dbi gain is impressive and the difference on 20 meters between a 6 element quad and a cardioid is admirably close. For it's price, it is a great monobander choice for any band.
  • Date added: 10/26/2015
    Testimonial by: VA3ZAN Robert of Strathroy Ontario Canada

    Great Program

    Just renewed my prescription after being gone for a while. Enjoy Hamsphere. Will now keep it up to date
  • Date added: 09/24/2014
    Testimonial by: 19HS632 corne of rijen jo21lo the netherlands

    3 band dipole

    i didn,t nowe that the 3 band dipole for 160 80 and 60 meters could rotate ,it toke my a cappel off days ,because i didn,t buy a rotator when i bought the 3 bander so i was very surprised when my antenna rotater went on when i switched to the 3 band dipole,ahahahha,where having more fun here nowe,greetings corne 19hs632 Netherlands.
  • Date added: 09/14/2014
    Testimonial by: TI2SSO Sal of Costa Rica


    The multi-band H-Quad full wave antenna is suppressed to yield a much better performance than what I get. My little experience for the long, mid & low distance ranges are to simply state that is the least usable antenna I have among the G5RV & the stock IDC Vertical(which seems to out perform both in most of the cases, within the parameters above stated). Although, very happy with the monoband 5 ele Yagi. Sal, Ti2SSO
  • Date added: 05/10/2017
    Testimonial by: 19HS632 corne of dongen


    very good working this oscilloscope only 1 qeustion about it ,because im seeing no technical data about it ,how widht is the spectrum 2.5 khz ore more before the peaks are getting out off the screen???
  • Date added: 03/18/2015
    Testimonial by: KD0PNP Derek of United States

    VU2NSB Omni DX Antenna 30mtr Version

    Anyone who knows me knows I can be critical,and call it like it is and believe me when I purchased this antenna I'll admit I was sceptical to say the least. But after using it now for over 1 week on 30mtrs I have to eat my words for I can't fault this antenna in any way. For DXing it works superbly on both TX / RX the recieve factor of this antenna really sold me on it and the TX is not too shabby either. I can see it working great in a net situation for controllers it will be very useful. Also you contester's out there this is THE Antenna to use. All in all IMHO the best general all round antenna in the shop.
  • Date added: 12/23/2014
    Testimonial by: KC5IAX Jana of United States

    Second Hand Shop

    Great daily deals with in the second hand shop & lots of items coming & going. I've had the pleasure to buy & try out many types of antennas. I would like to see some day all the antennas grouped together, then the other items, but I will say great job. A small reminder to those to get your credits first, then buy your antennas or items, this will make things easy on you the user.
  • Date added: 12/07/2015
    Testimonial by: OP7DX PATRICK of JO21LH

    Test Log Periodic

    Back HS 4 after long absence and I see that there is a Log Periodic hanging in the store. Precisely placed on my virtual roof and after a bit of testing on RX is the result very good. The front-to back ratio acceptable test on 10m and 15m. RX on station 41HS short path beaming later on Long Path. On 10m test on RX station from VK the F/B works fine. Later we go shoot with the antenne first find the problem here on the computer for the audio out. 73 Pat