ES Map 648x360, HamSphere 5.0 Shop


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    Sporadic E or Es is an unusual form of radio propagation using characteristics of the Earth's ionosphere. Communication distances of 800–2200 km can occur using a single Es cloud.

    As its name suggests, sporadic E is an abnormal event, but can happen at almost any time; it does, however, display seasonal patterns. Sporadic E activity peaks predictably in the summertime in both hemispheres. In North America, the peak is most noticeable in mid-to-late June, trailing off through July and into August. A much smaller peak is seen around the winter solstice. Activity usually begins in mid-December in the southern hemisphere, with the days immediately 

    ES Map v1.0 provides a LIVE visual representation of Sporadic Es reflection points in the ionospheric E-Layer for 10 and 11m bands.

    The map shows the latest reported Es clouds over the past hour.


    ES Map 648x360

    Model INT019
    Price:   10.00 €